Our mission

We want to move from factory farmed animal protein to sustainable, humane ingredients by commercializing cultivated & other sustainable proteins pet foods.

This is a mission that will improve the health & welfare of both our friends (farmed & wild animals) & our family (our pets).

Our Team

  • Joshua Errett

    Joshua Errett ➵ Chief Executive Officer

    Josh cofounded his first cultivated meat pet food company in 2016. His pet brands can be found in independent pet stores, Kroger and more. Prior to starting Friends & Family, he worked in venture capital, banking and cat rescue. He has two black cats he rescued himself.

  • Dr. Sarah Dodd

    Dr. Sarah Dodd ➵ Chief Science Officer

    Sarah is a board-certified pet nutritionist and practicing veterinarian. She studied plant-based diets for pets for her PhD and has formulated some of the best-selling plant-based pet foods on the market today.

  • Jonny Cruz

    Jonny Cruz ➵ Chief Operating Officer

    Jonny has been in pet food since he was a teenager, working in everything from retail to his own sales group to COO at pet food startups. He lives with two cats and two dogs in California.